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This module understands metric streams generated by @metrics/client and makes opinionated (but overridable) decisions about how to create prometheus metrics from them.

The prom-client module is required to gather the metrics. It must be passed in as a constructor option (see Usage).

Additionally, Prometheus expects that your app serve a metrics scraping page. Refer to the prom-client module for details.


Terminal window
npm install @metrics/prometheus-consumer prom-client

Create a new instance of @metrics/prometheus-consumer to be our metrics consumer.

const promClient = require('prom-client');
const metricsConsumer = new PrometheusConsumer({ client: promClient });

Next, pipe the metrics output stream directly into our consumer making sure to add an error handler to avoid uncaught exceptions.

const client = new MetricsClient();
metricsConsumer.on('error', err => console.error(err));

Lastly, render a metrics page for prometheus to scrape. In this example we use express (though any framework will work) to render out metrics on the route /metrics.

app.get('/metrics', (req, res) => {
res.set('Content-Type', metricsConsumer.contentType()).send(

Given a metric with a time value:

name: 'my_metric_with_time',
description: 'Metric that measures time',
time: 1231432423

@metrics/prometheus-consumer will either create a new prometheus Histogram for my_metric_with_time or update one if it already exists.



Create a new metrics consumer instance ready to have metrics piped into it.


const consumer = new PrometheusConsumer({ client: promClient });

remember to add an error handler to the consumer to avoid uncaught exception errors.

consumer.on('error', err => console.error(err));


clientProm client module dependency.
bucketStepStartValue to start bucket generation from. Each step increases from here by bucketStepFactornumber0.001
bucketStepFactorScaling factor for bucket creation. Must be > 1number1.15
bucketStepCountNumber of times bucketStepFactor should be applied to bucketStepStartnumber45
loggerLog4j compatible logger instance or console. If not provided, module will not logobjectnull

Prom client module dependency. Passed in this way in order to avoid having a hard dependency on a specific version of prom-client.


const consumer = new PrometheusConsumer({ client: promClient });

Value to start bucket generation from. Each step increases from here by bucketStepFactor


const consumer = new PrometheusConsumer({ bucketStepStart: 1 });

Scaling factor for bucket creation. Must be > 1


const consumer = new PrometheusConsumer({ bucketStepFactor: 2 });

Number of times bucketStepFactor should be applied to bucketStepStart


const consumer = new PrometheusConsumer({ bucketStepCount: 8 });

.override(name, config)

Override handling of a specific metric (by name). This is useful if the defaults do not produce the desired result for a given metric. You can change what type of prometheus metrics are generated by setting type and for histograms, you can override bucket handling.


An alpha-numeric (plus the underscore character) string name of metric to be overriden. Any metrics that match this name will be processed using the override config (see below)


typeOne of histogram, counter, gauge or summarystring
labelsArray with allowed values: url, method, status, layout and podletstring[]
bucketsAn object, see config.buckets belowobjectsee below
bucketStepStartValue to start bucket generation from. Each step increases from here by bucketStepFactornumber0.001
bucketStepFactorScaling factor for bucket creation. Must be > 1number1.15
bucketStepCountNumber of times bucketStepFactor should be applied to bucketStepStartnumber45


Override a specific time based metric to only be handled as a counter.

consumer.override('my_time_based_metric', { type: 'counter' });


Override labels for a metric.

consumer.override('my_time_based_metric', {
labels: ['url', 'method'],


Override buckets for a specific time based metric.

consumer.override('my_time_based_metric', {
buckets: {
bucketStepStart: 1,
bucketStepFactor: 2,
bucketStepCount: 8,


Returns the generated metrics text ready for scraping by prometheus. This should be used in conjunction with .contentType()


app.get('/metrics', (req, res) => {
res.set('Content-Type', metricsConsumer.contentType()).send(


Returns the correct content type to use when rendering metrics text for scraping by prometheus. See .metrics() for an express js usage example.